Hey all. This has been a pretty fun week. I was not here Monday nor Tuesday. After I got back though things went by pretty smoothly. This class is pretty fun. This week we got to play games. Yes it seems werid but that is fun. We also had to review and say what we liked and disliked about the games.
It was really fun. That was what we have been working on. Playing a game from differnt genras. That also helped me alot. It made me look at what all I could make my game this year to be. Now I have a better idea on what kind of game I would like to have. I really liked the games about life. I might do one this year.
Today we are working on blogs saying everything that we have done this week. We are finishing up our reviews. We also our working on blogs. I had a really great week this week. It was fun but also very helpful for my year in this program. Well this blogger is singing out. Peace